Make sure you and your bags are on time for check-in and boarding – if you arrive after our deadlines you may miss your flight. And we really don't want that!
Domestic flights
In Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland
- Check-in opens 2 hours before departure (75 minutes at Skellefteå)
- Check-in closes 30 minutes before departure (45 minutes at Arlanda)
- Boarding closes 20 minutes before departure
Need special assistance, are an unaccompanied minor, or are travelling with animals, weapons or musical instruments? You must check-in at our counter at least 1 hour before your scheduled departure time. Please arrive early at the boarding gate and notify our staff.
Travelling with sports equipment? You must deliver your equipment to our bag drop or check-in counter at least one hour prior to departure.
International flights
Flights to/from Israel and Morocco
- Check-in opens 3 hours before departure
- Check-in closes 1 hour before departure
- Boarding closes 20 minutes before departure
All other flights
- Check-in opens 2 hours before departure
- Check-in closes 45 minutes before departure
- Boarding closes 20 minutes before departure
Need special assistance, are an unaccompanied minor, or are travelling with animals, weapons or musical instruments? You must check-in at our counter at least 1 hour before your scheduled departure time. Please arrive early at the boarding gate and notify our staff.
Travelling with sports equipment? You must deliver your equipment to our bag drop or check-in counter at least one hour prior to departure.